Friday, June 18, 2010

Perils of a Vanity Plate

I’m actually having to adjust my driving here. When I get to a stop sign I feel like I need to go right NOW! But others slowly pull away from the stop. And when I’m waiting to turn into traffic I get that nervous feeling that someone is going to honk and try to push me through the intersection – yet others wait until the its perfectly clear before they turn. So I have to slow it down. Its actually a bit harder to drive here – there are four way stops everywhere and lots of “busy” streets. I have gotten used to traffic lights in the city that tell me when its my turn – you don’t actually have to do a lot of concentrating. Here there are tons of kids on bikes, pedestrians and stop sign after stop sign. Its also embarrassing that I am still getting lost. There are a few places I have gone where I’m sure no one would ever drive – its just a sign that you don’t know what the heck you are doing. Soon enough people will recognize the plate and have me labeled as some control freak driver with lousy direction.

Interestingly I have noticed that some drivers wait for the other cars to stop at a four way intersection rather than proceeding. I got in trouble for this in Toronto – the instructor couldn’t understand why I was waiting for the other car to stop when I clearly had the right of way – I guess it’s a country thing because I’m sure we did that in Nova Scotia too!

Country Standards Or....

I saw something today I didn’t think I would ever see again. Not since my youth. A young girl, very pregnant smoking a cigarette. I’m usually not a health fanatic but I couldn’t stop thinking about what that must be doing to the baby. I would be too embarrassed to do it at the library entrance – geez, at least go sneak off and have it out of sight for my own conscience!

Country Standards Or....

I saw something today I didn’t think I would ever see again. Not since my youth. A young girl, very pregnant smoking a cigarette. I’m usually not a health fanatic but I couldn’t stop thinking about what that must be doing to the baby. I would be too embarrassed to do it at the library entrance – geez, at least go sneak off and have it out of sight for my own conscience!

Dark Days in Monkey City

Dark Days in Monkey City

Yup, I lost a husband but gained Bell TV. I can now see crap in two official languages and news from 4 cities. If that doesn’t satisfy I can watch shows with names like “Dark Days in Monkey City”. I was curious enough to look at it. The narrator has a bit of a Brit accent and adds excitement to the show by exaggerating the narrating. Look Out – There’s a Python!!! Dark Days indeed.

I didn’t have the heart to watch “I Didn’t Even Know I was Pregnant”.



Its weird how sensitive I am to surroundings. I felt a bit uncomfortable here the first few days because the neighbourhood is such a mixture of house styles and economics. I’m used to the military bases where there are basic housing types and they are clustered together. Golden Row for instance was the name of one of the housing areas for senior officers on one of the bases I was on. On another base I remember the housing for Majors and up had huge kitchens. It was assumed you would need them for entertaining.

In the city most areas are homogeneous. Areas are rich or poor, old or new. You get a feel for an area – perhaps in a stereotypical way. Here there is a gorgeous house with a new front porch next to an old house that seems to be on its last legs. Yet the town is laid our in N-S, E-W with each lot the same side. There are a few buildings which are obviously public housing (why can’t we put a bit more money into them so they don’t scream out that people need help?).

The manse (parsonage) tells a story too. The garage has seen better days and the neat stone work on the front is coming out in places. But the windows are new and there is a semi garden planted – perennials. It says the essentials are there but there is not enough money or care to put into the niceties.

I love the picture window – there are 3 lots on the two streets across from me that are empty. I can see people coming and going to the store and other places. Its actually quite a busy place. I’m getting to be a snoop!

I'm Here

Saturday, June 12th 9:47 a.m.

I made it here in one piece. Cliff is dead to the world – it was a long drive and I was sick of it before we even got to North Bay. I think it was the heat and the sun that put me off. That and getting to bed late and packing became a bit of throwing stuff into boxes and bags and some of it loose into the trunk!

Once we hit North Bay I was considerably improved and now that I have finished my sermon for tomorrow I’m feeling a bit more stable. Now to find a printer somewhere! I wonder how they feel about a laptop on the pulpit? I have a feeling I know. And I need to find email to email out the liturgy. One option is the local arena – it has WiFi – I’m hoping I can just do it from my car.

I was incredibly nervous and out of sorts yesterday but I feel better today. I hear there is a potluck tomorrow to welcome me. How weird. I’m used to going to them to welcome other people but never for myself.