Sunday, August 06, 2006

See what counselling can do!

You've got read Mookies Last Hope. See my brother is me without counselling. He is a helluva lot funnier and can go into a rant over the most assinine things. I highly respect this. I used to be able to rant - I actually took on security at Pearson one time and had 50 people following my lead. That was of course pre 911 - and counselling.

I was in Zeller's today. Yeah, I know its a Sunday and I'm not supposed to but well, I needed hanging file folders. Which I haven't actually done anything with yet so "need" is overstated.

Anyhow, I get in line and there is confusion at one of the cashes. The register is not working. Come on - the register works its the operator. There are two clerks playing with it and people are getting frustrated because the other cash is going through some kind of bizarre return or something.

Well this chick who is off duty starts yacking it up with one of the clerks trying to fix the machine. Now I know that logically it probably isn't going to make a difference in the long run if she stands and chats but it really pisses me off. Like "HELLO - I'M THE CUSTOMER YOU SHOULD BE PAYING ATTENTION TO". Before counselling I would have already told the two of them that I don't particularly care what movie they are going to go see and if you are off duty then get your ass out of the way or help fix the problem. But see, I'm a kinder, gentler person now. I think about telling these two to get it together but I don't.

The other day Cliff and I were eating in Zellers (yeah, my age is showing but I defy you to find a better burger and fries) and a chick off duty is standing talking to one of the servers. With a freakin' Teen Burger from A&W in her hand! Meanwhile bud with his 4 year old is waiting to place his order. My skin crawls when I see that kinda stuff going on.

But this is progress for me. I should be happy that I didn't say anything. Its none of my business and its not up to me to fix the world. Grrrr.

There are no new shoe styles after 39!

Well, I took some "me time" and went looking for a low pair of black shoes. And I realized that now that I'm 40 there are no more surprises in the shoe market. Everything I saw I have seen before in some other year. Kitten heels - wore those when I was 19. Wedgies with ribbon laces - didn't wear them because I had taste back in the 80's. Mettalic - well I guess I lied about taste! I had a pair in high school that were like a burnished bronze. Pumps with pointed toes, pumps with square toes - been there, done that. Pumps with pieces of metal as accents - so 80's.

I love shoes. I'm always looking for the perfect pair. So to realise that there is nothing new under the sun is such a let down. It always used to be I saw a pair I loved that I couldn't afford, couldnt' walk in, couldn't fit into, didn't have anything to wear with them. Now its just that they are old news.

I did see a pair of patent leather flats with bows on the front - with square toes. They are very much like the white cotton pair I had back in the early 90's. But I'm 40. Can I really get away with patent leather bows? I'm so depressed......

My first moving violation!

Yup, it happened - I got pulled over on my way to church. I've never been pulled over before and I was really nervous. The front plate on the WARTHOG fell off and I nagged Cliff twice but he never got around to putting it on.

What could I say - I told the officer it had been at least two weeks, that I'm not very handy with a screwdriver but that I understand its my responsibility. He gave me a ticket. When I first saw him I wondered if he had noticed the plate was missing and then I saw him looking down at his computer so I hoped that once the last name popped up I would just get a warning.

Anyhow, I'm happy to pay the 85 because it really is stupid that I play the dumb female rather than get on my hands and knees and figure out how to attach the thing. I am sure as heck not going to testify to my incompentency in court! However, Cliff has found an error - he is going to go swear it out at a JP to get is squashed and if that doesn't work he will take it to court with a picture of the plate and the receipt for the bolts. I told him that my name is registered on the car so he better follow through or else I'll just pay it!

The error? It says that I was stopped at Sheppard and Don Valley. Instead of Don Valley Parkway. I don't like fighting technicalities.

So we will see if my plates are denied next June because for those of you who know Cliff he is the king of procastination (even worse then me!).