Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Giving up Nintendo

Since we don't have a tv our Nintendo which used to be up at the cottage is getting quite the work out. My hands are actually starting to hurt. So for Lent it has to go. I'm not sure what will replace it - hopefully studying and such. We only play one game - Dr. Mario - for hours. Its one of the few games where both players can play at the same time.

Getting rid of the tv was supposed to free up some money and time - but I still find ways to waste time - I need to find something productive to do.

Pancake Tuesday

Today is Shrove Tuesday and I'm going to get some pancakes at Golden Griddle. 3.99 on Tuesdays - the cheapest church one is around 5 dollars. Mind you that's for the full deal. But today I don't feel like being around people I know - I'm tired of talking about C's lack of work and job prospects. Its depressing - as soon as they hear he has been terminated the interviewer is never heard from again.

So my brother and husband will scarf them down with strangers. I wonder if in today's world it will be busier? How many people actually bother with Pancake Day. I remember doing this in school - I obviously am showing my age!

Where's Bobo?

Since starting school six years ago I have had my comfort blanket. My wine coloured sweatjacket. Its my thing. Even when the zipper broke I continued wearing it.

But where is it? It went missing last week - I thought maybe I left it at school but I don't see it in the lost and found. That in itself is an adventure. How do people lose winter coats? How do you go home not realizing that you don't have it on? There's tons of stuff just waiting to be picked up. Like a decorative cushion - maybe someone used it for class for their back. Tons of mugs, a few scarfs and quite frankly I didn't want to dig and deeper.

Bobo where are you?!