Friday, February 01, 2008

I have tiny ear holes. And another website.

I finally got my MP3 player working. Well, someone got it working for me. Its great my favourite 30 songs available at any time.

Only problem is my ear holes are too small for the ear buds out there. So how do kids do it? Maybe I have mishappen holes which just don't allow for ear buds. Anyhow I like wearing my little headphones because people assume I can't hear them. I can. So far I have not intercepted anything of note but I will be sure to post anything of interest.

In the meantime here is a site my brother got me onto: Its hilarious and I have to say I'm much more careful in what I say to people - I'm sure there are memos out there that are best left filed away in some dark filing cabinet. I used to have an employee that insisted on correcting my spelling and grammar. In red. She was a pain in the butt and she finally quit on me in the middle of shift. Turns out she was thinking she could quit and get unemployment. Smart girl hadn't kept up with the news that the legislation had changed and quitting was no longer a valid exit strategy for EI.

Friday's Feast Feb 1

What is your favorite kind of cereal?

Ooh, I love Corn Pops. I also love Fruit Loops but only once in awhile.

When was the last time you purchased something for your home, what was it, and in which room did it go?

Hmm. Okay, I bought sheets a few weeks ago. They are still in the hall but they will obviously go on the bed. We are saving up for a queen sized bed - the double is great in the winter but in the summer I can't stand sleeping next to the human furnace that is my husband.

What is the funniest commercial you’ve ever seen?

I don't remember. But does anyone remember the Groaning Board. It had a small buffet and then you went into a room where they showed the world's funniest commercials. We went there for my husband's 30th birthday and I still remember fighting off the cockroaches.

Main Course
Make up a name for a company by using a spice and an animal (example: Cinnamon Monkey).

Basil Bear

Fill in the blank: I haven’t ______ since ______.

I haven't cried in the Pickle Barrel since last year. Private joke for my PB companion.

I now have gold coins....

The televangelist Peter Popoff is still sending me stuff started when I called his prayer line back before Christmas. I haven't send him a cent but in the past months I have received:

Miracle Prayer Water
A "vine of life"
Tiny communion wafers - he refers to it as holy bread or some such thing.
Sand from the Holy Land
A cloth perfumed in incense.
An American dollar bill

and now 2 gold angel coins.

What I don't get is that I have never once sent him any money and yet all the treats still come. If you have kids that love getting mail this is one freebie that keeps on giving. Just don't let them read the letters - I got one telling me that he had an image of me with a someone close to me standing on a sidewalk with Satan planning to hurt my friend/relative. Unless I send money of course.

The gold coins are kinda neat. I think I'm supposed to mail one back and bury the other.

We had a discussion in church about how some people think Christians are weird. Its not that Christians are weird its just that the weird ones really go to great lengths to stand out!!

George's Mother

George Costanza's mother is going through a separation and tells George that she is now "out there". The horror of thinking that you could run into your mother in a single's bar is somewhat akin to the horror I have of thinking that my mother could stumble across my blog. Hence the name change.

There's just too much stuff that requires waaay too much explanation. Right now she can find me on Facebook and that is enough!