Sunday, January 25, 2009


Sorry for yelling, but I'm not Dutch.

I have served in my church for six years and in that time there has been a lot of work to try to move the congregation away from describing the church as Dutch but to recognize that there are other cultural traditions present and that newcomers are unlikely to be Dutch.

So why is it on a day where we are preaching Ephesians which is a book which talks of the unity of Christians under Christ and the day when we take our monthly communion with all the saints that have gone before us that partway through the sermon the preacher refers to "our Dutch work ethic"?

Huh? I guess that is different then my Canadian work ethic, or my Christian work ethic? If I stook up in church and referred to my white-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant (WASP) work ethic we would quickly see how exclusionary that is.

That's not as bad as the evening service where I was told that we should be up in arms because our university appointed a Muslim in charge of Muslim Studies. Nope, not UofT or York or even Calvin but the University of Amsterdam!

What on earth is the "Dutch work ethic"? I'll have to Google it.