Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I'm only 42!!!!

I am so excited - I just gained a year of youth. I just figured out that I am only turning 42 this year. I don't know when it happened but at some point I started thinking I already was 42. I never used to care about this stuff until I turned 39. How does someone forget how old they are? - I guess when they get old they forget ;)

Sunday, June 08, 2008

revgalblogpals Five Questions

Grammatical Pet Peeve

I keep getting "passive voice consider revising" on my grammar check. Problem is my grammar is so bad that I don't know what that means. I asked a teacher and she didn't know either - though we both went to very good schools, grammar was not taught. So my pet peeve is more about me and what I can't do then what others do.

Household Pet Peeve

It drives me crazy that my husband puts dirty dishes in the sink. We have a dishwasher - if he put them in there right away I could actually use the sink for other things. On the other hand he does all the cooking so probably I should be putting everything away!

Arts and Entertainment Pet Peeve

I can not stand it when people talk during a movie. I even get uptight during the previews.

Liturgical Pet Peeve

It bugs me that we expect parishioners to understand the flow of the liturgy but we do nothing to educate them. I learned what I know from Bible college. Many of my fellow students don't even see the need for it and yet I think it forces us to do what is needed. Worship isn't about performance its about connecting with God and the saints and how can you do this without first acknowledging him, our sins, our need for grace and so on?

Wild Card

I sat in a church service where there was a lot of whispering going on. During the sermon. During the congregational prayer. Parents were present. I do not understand this - I have never experienced this before. If the children were young or if the family had never been to church before I could understand it. I had to move in the end which was embarassing for me because I tried to ignore it but found it hard to really take in the sermon. Why would anyone do this? Do they realise that the preacher is very aware of what people are doing in the pews?

Bonus - what do I do that would be a pet peeve for others?

I'm afraid to mention all of the annoying things because if they hadn't been obvious they will be now:

I talk to myself while I work. I am sure that this has driven people crazy in the past. I do it especially when I am concentrating.

I tend to interupt people. Its not that I mean too, I just get too excited. I love sharing ideas - but I guess its not really sharing if you aren't listening to the other person.

I get into rants. Drives my husband crazy - we had an encounter in Sears with two salespeople offering assistance in selling us a bed. I was so put off that I ranted all the way out of the parking lot. My husband rarely rants. He just pronounces - "That's stupid." No commentary.

When I change seats during a sermon :)

Feast June 6th

When you drink soda/pop/coke, do you prefer to drink it from the bottle, a can, or after pouring it into a cup?

This is going to sound weird, at least I haven't found anyone else that experiences this.... I hate drinking from the bottle or the can or through a straw. I find the concentration of bubbles too breath taking. This is before my weight gain so its not related to being unhealthy, just a weird sensation that I can't catch my breath. So, I like my pop in a glass. I also think its cute but unnecessary when men want to pour my beer into a glass even though they are drinking from the bottle/can.

What television show are you willing to stay up late to watch?

I rarely tape shows so I either stay up or decide to miss them. There is no middle ground. There are a ton of shows I don't see very often and are hard to rent - Vicar of Dibley, Absolutely Fabulous - the British sitcoms with the better writing.

Name one person, place, or thing you think of as brilliant.

Right now I am really taken with the North York Public Library. I'm going to use it somewhere in a sermon. You can do almost anything there -take classes - they have one on building a skateboard, watch a movie, practice your english, learn to read, rent rooms. They have lots of info on careers and local history. Right now they are holding seminars for seniors. They have a far larger mandate then lending books - it is really a place for different community members to connect and find resources for daily living. I think that this is brilliant.

Main Course
Would you be willing to work 4 10-hour days instead of 5 8-hour days in order to save gas?

Absolutely, but then I would do it to get the extra day off!

If you were a superhero, what would you call yourself?

So far I haven't found a reason to change my name.