Saturday, January 16, 2010

"Why do people want tinted car stereos?"

In response to a sign advertising - Tinting Car Stereos, my mother pondered who would have a use for this. I waited hoping that it was a joke along the lines that C likes to tell. Sadly, it wasn't. We had to explain that the tinting was for car windows and the installation of car stereos is a whole other offer...aging is a frightful thing.

Jealousy of the witty...

I love to make people laugh. So I am very jealous of Badbanana who twitters more clever things in a week then I will likely think up in a year. Here are some of badbanana's thoughts:

January 11 - Just finished up an interesting water cooler conversation. That guy sure knew a lot about water coolers.

January 14 - Scientists today set the Doomsday Clock back one minute. They also introduced the new iPod dock feature, which is nice. and sadly this one from yesterday which I didn't "get" at first....

Talking dogs today have no manners. Just "kill that guy," or "kill those people," without a single please or thank you.

Have you ever noticed....?

Have you ever noticed that there are times when you throw something away that you have hung onto that you end up having a good use for it later.

First day of class in advanced preaching is notice that we will discuss how to evaluate sermons and to be gracious in doing so. Its a new prof that I know fairly well so I know he would have appreciated an example. I had an email that turned down a written sermon that sounded like it came from an irritated, overworked editor rather than a gracious, mentoring elder. But alas it is "gone" where ever deleted emails go.

When I worked for a living I had an email folder called CMB. "Cover My Butt". Through moves and title changes I kept certain emails that I feared I might need one day to explain bizarre decisions that you hope will never come to light. I still felt a slight twinge of anxiety when I deleted all those emails during my last days!!

Computers have not lightened the load, mentally I'm weighed down by words tossed at me. At least in a conversation there is the hint that things are about to get rough - there is nothing like opening a harsh email late at night - all you can do is stew about it.

What if I got the courage to delete emails as soon as they were read - put the info down on my day timer and let everything else disappear?! That sounds like a level of grace and trust I just don't have!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Skype - Cripes I'm Old....

A friend asked me if I skype. Not only do I not Skype I know extremely little about it. I can barely function in today's technological world. We are busy looking it up on the Internet to see how it works - see how old I am, I still spell Internet with a capital "I".

However, as old as I feel I am younger than my mother who told me how she used a phone book and looked up a few places and called to see where she could get her licence renewed. She has Internet. My brother and I figured it took her longer to look up the number in the book then to get all the info she needed on line...I can't imagine relying on someone to pick up a phone somewhere to answer a question. I don't think I even trust the people who pick up the phone to know the answer!

Jesus isn't a great table tennis parnter...

I had this dream that Jesus was my partner for table tennis. But he hadn't shown up. So in my head I'm being kind of bitchy about it - I mean after all the Son of God should be more reliable! But to get another perspective I mentioned aloud: "Gee, Jesus is late, I wonder where he is...". Right away people are making excuses - you know he probably ran into some people that needed to be healed.

Here is the scary part - I felt that that is not a good enough excuse - its a boundaries issue. Jesus knew he had an appointment with me and also knew that regardless of where he is someone needs to be healed. He made that choice when he said he would show up. Its all about balance.

When I think about it I realise that if Jesus was physically here we would not be happy if he tried to take a break for table tennis. He must of gotten a lot of flack when he took breaks from healing. He didn't have the Benny Hinn method down where you cluster them into a stadium for a one night only performance.....