Thursday, November 26, 2009


We were supposed to be moving the stuff out of our cottage tomorrow but could not get a truck until next week.

Is there anything as annoying about moving then trying to get a truck at the end of the month?

Which reminds me of a story...

When we had bought our house we needed to pick a day when we moved our big stuff so I could take time off and so on. Well the day came and I stewed as it got closer to noon and C still hadn't shown up with the truck (what a waste of a day off).

He was infuriated when he got home - not with a truck but with a van. He was lucky to get a van. The truck we had booked was cancelled by our sister-in-law. She had been splitting up with her husband so we figured it was some kind of nasty vendetta on the family. Turns out that due to the split she had booked a truck. Then she found a truck somewhere else and cancelled it. When the company saw our name with a truck booked for a different date they cancelled it in error. Needless to say the move was longer than it should have been as we had to make multiple trips!

The best people to move are non-family. As a volunteer you have no vested interest in what is going on. You know that you are free to leave. Its also somewhat amusing to watch other people freak out and get frustrated. Its like the difference between hanging wall paper with your spouse or doing it for someone else.

Why I Haven't Been Blogging

I have been feeling really overwhelmed with work and school. Not because I'm busy but more because of the intellectual and philosophical demands. At one point I was thinking I could not stand to stay within the church one more minute. Which led me down the path to thinking that I could not be bothered to stay in Seminary. Which would mean that I just spent a lot of money and time to get to the place that most people get to just by going to a few congregational meetings. Much cheaper and quicker ways to get disillusioned.

However, I am back on track. I have found a mentor which is a huge relief, found a new church and am learning to deal with the oddities of my workplace.

Whenever I don't blog its because I'm working on something - usually I'm not aware of it until I have figured it out. I really need to get an accountability group.

No Christmas Presents This Year

  1. "Everybody's broke, so here's the rule for Christmas this year; if you still shit your pants, you get a present. Otherwise tough shit."
This is a quote from one of my favourite sites "Shit My Dad Says". Its the viewpoints of a 73 year old man as quoted by his live in son using Twitter. To clarify he has a grandchild still in diapers (I had to think about that for a minute).

This guy has a lot of wisdom. Like he doesn't need anymore friends - he has enough and all friends ever ask from you is to help them move!! I never noticed this tendency before. With the exception of my brother helping me move on one of my two moves I have never had friends help. Yet we do seem to help others.

Anyhow, my point actually was that I am on a no buying thing this year. Yeah, being on EI is a motive as well but in reality I don't need more stuff except time with friends. However, my mother is like a child so much effort goes into buy things for her. She also likes "lots of small things so there is more to open". I want to puke. My brother hates Christmas having been a drone in retail for many years. When you need to purchase the Christmas order in late Spring and start setting up the merchandising in October you do tend to be sick of the holiday by the 25th. Then there is the nightmare of the Boxing Day crap the day right after.

So no gifts this idea is working quite well. Except I did pickup one - a book by Garrison Keillor. I ordered it on line and told my husband its from him!