Saturday, May 22, 2010

Surprise Birthday

What a surprise I got yesterday - a friend had called me up to go for fish and chips and I was looking forward to seeing her all week. When we got close by we parked and walked in a totally different direction as she told me we were going to another friend's condo to have a party in the back garden.

Lovely! A good friend from Simcoe was able to join the group and it was truly a surprise a my birthday is still a few weeks away. But I will be away then. My wonderful husband planned the whole thing in a week over the email!

Not only was their great food and friends I got a box of donations to get me settled up north. Bath stuff, office supplies, pictures of friends and snacks! To top it off the lilac bushes were in full bloom making the garden complete.

I truly am blessed and will miss everyone terribly!