Sunday, May 31, 2009


We have done away with our TV. Or I guess you could say our TV has done away with providing us hours of couch surfing.

We have one of those sets with the VCR built in. If the tape is not in the VCR the TV shuts off. This was okay until the other day when I accidentally ejected the tape and I cannot get it to sit in place any longer.

We still have the old style cable - not digital and we had been thinking of scaling back our cable service to the basics. Well, to do that you need to buy the digital box. So we decided to cancel cable for now. Sooner or later they will send us a letter trying to get us to subscribe.

There is one huge drawback. I'm not sure how it happened but with the number of repeats on TV my channel surfing would stop at NASCAR races. C enjoys these so I started watching while I do other things. I'm now very interested in these partly because C is very excited when they are on.

Yes, we have become NASCAR fans. Not devoted quite yet. But on our way. This is shocking to some of my friends.

I have heard that you can pay to watch some things over the Internet but I'm not sure how this works for NASCAR - I don't want to get taken so I'm looking around to see what we can do. If we can find an answer to the NASCAR issue we may be able to give up TV permanently and just rent the shows we want to watch.

Its been about a week - I've stopped automatically reaching for the remote. But my laptop is getting a work out!

1 comment:

LPK said...

We haven't had cable for over a year and are surprised at how much time we have for other things. Of course, when the internet goes down (as it does frequently), we have no idea what is going on in the world until we go into town...

Understand some of your frustrations with church "friends" as we have experienced it as well. We miss our "down south" connections...

Excited to hear about the preaching gigs. Nice to not have people looking over your shoulder all the time! I hope that the congregations receive the messages/sermons well and that you feel like you communicated God's Word as He wanted you to.
