Monday, June 21, 2010

Glories of Clotheslines!

First off, let me say that 6.99 for a bag of clothespins is ridiculous!  I was looking for clothespins because they have just replaced the washing machine at the parsonage and I am thrilled because now I can wash my clothes at home and hang them to dry.  I haven't used a clothesline for probably 25 years - and then only when my Mom was doing the wash.

I have always but my private wear with the assumption that only my husband would see it - not that there is anything spicy to see - but rather that odd colours, polka dots and stripes that cheer me up look a little clownish.  I figure ER staff have seen it all so didn't worry about that possibility.  Its a funny contrast - blue and black and grey clothes with these bright undies flapping in the breeze!

Elmer Fudd and Porky Pig Are Different People

I just remembered as I was watching Bugs Bunny. Bugs is one of my favourite characters – as a child I was fascinated by how smart he was. I now understand this to be wit and cleverness.

I was watching Elmer Fudd the day before and Porky Pig today and I suddenly remembered (I figured this out once before sadly) that they are completely different characters. For crying out loud they are not both pigs even. For some reason as a child I think I thought that Porky Pig was the hunter Elmer Fudd when he wore clothes. This is why I can never be put in a police line up. I’m lousy with faces and names. Can you see the resemblance? They are both short, pink and have a problem with speech. That’s close enough for me.

Now you know why I can't keep anyone's name straight!

Ministerial Meeting

It was great – there was a BBQ for the ministerial group (the pastors in the area who meet) so I got to meet them for the first time “off duty”. It was really interesting – over half are women. Well, that’s not completely true – there is a priest who didn’t come and a pastor who won’t join in because he does not belief in women in office. Its too bad because I’m sure he could do with a place to pray and such.

It was fascinating trying to guess the denomination by the person. I was really off on one or two. Everyone’s about my age or a bit older which is a nice switch too.

They meet every Thursday for prayer. Every Thursday. I was surprised – in Toronto they tend to meet once a month. And they are offering food for sale for Canada Day for the assistance program (diaconal money for those of you who understand the lingo). I was really impressed to see pastors doing this administrative work. They are super busy just like in the city but are busy with more direct contact things.

Some were more friendly then others – I think there may be one or two who aren’t sure what exactly my role is. I’m not a pastor but in a pastor’s position since the church doesn’t have one.