Monday, June 21, 2010

Elmer Fudd and Porky Pig Are Different People

I just remembered as I was watching Bugs Bunny. Bugs is one of my favourite characters – as a child I was fascinated by how smart he was. I now understand this to be wit and cleverness.

I was watching Elmer Fudd the day before and Porky Pig today and I suddenly remembered (I figured this out once before sadly) that they are completely different characters. For crying out loud they are not both pigs even. For some reason as a child I think I thought that Porky Pig was the hunter Elmer Fudd when he wore clothes. This is why I can never be put in a police line up. I’m lousy with faces and names. Can you see the resemblance? They are both short, pink and have a problem with speech. That’s close enough for me.

Now you know why I can't keep anyone's name straight!

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