Friday, August 04, 2006
Feast One Hundred & Five
Name an actor or actress you think is totally underappreciated.
I couldn't name most actors if I tried. We were in Whole Paycheque (commonly known as Whole Foods) drooling at the vast selection of food I don't see anywhere else, and my friend pointed out Laurence Fishburne pondering over the bottled water just behind us. I tried to look impressed but I'm thinking - who is he? Politician, sports? Yes, I do now know who he is! I had to get past him - so I guess that was my brush with fame!
Impress us by using a big word in a sentence.
I find the differences of consubstantiation and transubtantiation difficult to grasp, but luckily I don't hold to eiher of them.
What is something inanimate that you've given a name to (such as a pet rock)?
I don't name my body parts, so luckily this is appropriate for family members to read! I had an acquaintance that named his penis. "Fred". I think there is something weird about that - I would have expected a nickname not a proper first name. But, hey, I'm not a guy.
I had a t-shirt that I loved that I called "Golden Boy" in reference to a Seinfeld episode. It at little holes in it and paint from a trip to the Dominican building a church but I still wore it. Why on earth I let it get subjected to the trials of a mission trip I don't know. Cliff knows that when I'm looking for Golden Boy exactly which t-shirt I mean.
Main Course
What color would best represent your personality and why?
The first colour that springs to mind is black. I have no idea why. I think its because its not as easy to pin down like pink or blue. When I think of black I think not just of sorrow or depression. I think of complexity, deepness, wholeness. Growing up purple was my favourite colour until I was about ten and then it was black.
Fill in the blanks: ____________ is so ____________.
Life is so exciting!
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Internship Update
Since shutting down my other blog - which was getting too personal even for my close friends - there is no where to get info on my internship. Admittedly, I am not above emailing a whole whack of people to tell them how it is going, but really if people want to know they will ask. So if you are one of the few that care he it is:
I did my first real sermon last week. Sermons are weird. If the congregation likes it you are as likely to have done a poor one as a good one. The sermons that some churches need to hear would really piss off the regulars. So don't read too much into the fact that I got very good feedback from my sermon. We are taught to give sermons that focus on the positive rather than the negative. I'm more of a fire and brimstone person so I really hate doing that. But this congregation is so perfect I was having a hard time imagining ever calling them to task. So I did one of warning. I think God would be satisfied with my attempt - its so hard to say.
Today I was supposed to do the children's message. There were only two children and neither of them looked old enough to understand my message on hope and neither looked to excited to come and sit up on the "stage" - I gotta find out the churchy name for it. So I led the congregation in prayer over them that children this young would not know despair for some time and therefore not need to long for hope. And I extended it out to the children who have grown old too fast. This is the other weird thing about leading worship. Something that is off the cuff and not planned out speaks to someone. The person leading worship today commented before the congregational prayer that my words really spoke to him and helped him. This is why you can't measure a sermon. The Holy Spirit helps people hear what they need. I have no idea how this person connected to what I said but luckily it is not all up to me.
So, I am having a good time. It is the perfect church which is supposed to be a myth. I have a friend who told me Living Hope in Peterborough is also a perfect church. So there are two out there. I have decided to prepare for seminary. I am taking Greek next year on the off chance I get a job in ministry and can go to Sem part time (the Greek will allow me to do that more easily).
Thanks for reading!
I did my first real sermon last week. Sermons are weird. If the congregation likes it you are as likely to have done a poor one as a good one. The sermons that some churches need to hear would really piss off the regulars. So don't read too much into the fact that I got very good feedback from my sermon. We are taught to give sermons that focus on the positive rather than the negative. I'm more of a fire and brimstone person so I really hate doing that. But this congregation is so perfect I was having a hard time imagining ever calling them to task. So I did one of warning. I think God would be satisfied with my attempt - its so hard to say.
Today I was supposed to do the children's message. There were only two children and neither of them looked old enough to understand my message on hope and neither looked to excited to come and sit up on the "stage" - I gotta find out the churchy name for it. So I led the congregation in prayer over them that children this young would not know despair for some time and therefore not need to long for hope. And I extended it out to the children who have grown old too fast. This is the other weird thing about leading worship. Something that is off the cuff and not planned out speaks to someone. The person leading worship today commented before the congregational prayer that my words really spoke to him and helped him. This is why you can't measure a sermon. The Holy Spirit helps people hear what they need. I have no idea how this person connected to what I said but luckily it is not all up to me.
So, I am having a good time. It is the perfect church which is supposed to be a myth. I have a friend who told me Living Hope in Peterborough is also a perfect church. So there are two out there. I have decided to prepare for seminary. I am taking Greek next year on the off chance I get a job in ministry and can go to Sem part time (the Greek will allow me to do that more easily).
Thanks for reading!

Tree Topper - Upper Clements Park
William Cobb Ride Stats
Height: 52 feet
Drop: 50 feet
Top speed: 35 mph
Length: 1,400 feet
Ride time: 1 minute, 15 seconds
Trains: 1 - 20 passenger
In the Friday's Feast I was supposed to talk about a new experience. Riding this roller coaster about 10 years ago was an experience I will never forget. Nor will the young child sitting behind me who learned new words they had never heard before.
I can't believe this is a 1 minute and 15 second ride. I can tell you that for the first 10 seconds or so I was mildly frightened. After that I was terrified.
I was in the second car with my brother in the front. At first I didn't scream. But once I started I couldn't stop. He actually turned to me at one point with his hair whipping in the wind to see if I was okay.
The ride operator was so nice! There wasn't a line up waiting to get on so he let us go again for free!. Then again. By the third time there was only one swear word that I hadn't used. The ride operator commented that "someone is sure having fun out there!". I though it would get easier with each ride but it got worse. I still occasionally scream when we drive over one of those small hills that give butterflies.
By the time we pulled in the third time I was begging to be let off. I apologized perfusely to the woman behind me. I felt really bad about the "Get me off this fnn thing!" comment. She didn't look offended only very amused.
I have never gone on one since. But when I go down to Nova Scotia and see it I have this urge to get on to prove that I can do it. Luckily my feet keep walking past!
Friday's Feast 104
Feast One-Hundred & Four
Appetizer: What's the funniest dream you can remember having?
I can't remember the funniest dream, but I often start laughing at my dreams waking myself up
Soup: If you were a dog, what breed would you be, and why?
I gotta say there is something enticing about being one of those tiny rat dogs that the stars are carrying around in their purses. I saw a squirrel being carried around in a lady's purse in Toronto - we are a far way from Hollywood. These dogs have it made - they don't have to walk to far, they get to wear fancy clothes and I'm pretty sure they are not eating ground up cow lungs for lunch. Not that I do either - I meant that's whats in dog food. I would also love to have a chance to bite one of these hands that feeds me!
Continue this sentence: "I get confused when..."
Apparently I live in the state of confusion when I watch T.V. I can't watch any of the James Bond movies because I never know what in the heck is going on. I saw Star Wars when it first came out and was confused the entire time. I don't think I would get it anymore today then I did then. All commercials confuse me - I don't pay enough attention so I'm never sure what they are for and I always ask Cliff what is going on.
Main Course: Name two things that need to be done, but you are procrastinating in completing.
I'll get to this later, after I clean my house.
Dessert: When was the last time you tried something new, and what was it?
I've tried lots of new things. I sang acappella in front of a Worship class (that's a whole separate story), I've gone back to school full time, I preached a sermon for the first time last week...
But the one that sticks out is a few years ago. My step-son was emphatic that I try out one of these little race tracks. I really, really didn't want to do it but he was so disappointed and nagging that I finally gave in. Hated every minute of it. Ooooh, that reminds me of another story about the roller coaster ride....
Appetizer: What's the funniest dream you can remember having?
I can't remember the funniest dream, but I often start laughing at my dreams waking myself up
Soup: If you were a dog, what breed would you be, and why?
I gotta say there is something enticing about being one of those tiny rat dogs that the stars are carrying around in their purses. I saw a squirrel being carried around in a lady's purse in Toronto - we are a far way from Hollywood. These dogs have it made - they don't have to walk to far, they get to wear fancy clothes and I'm pretty sure they are not eating ground up cow lungs for lunch. Not that I do either - I meant that's whats in dog food. I would also love to have a chance to bite one of these hands that feeds me!
Continue this sentence: "I get confused when..."
Apparently I live in the state of confusion when I watch T.V. I can't watch any of the James Bond movies because I never know what in the heck is going on. I saw Star Wars when it first came out and was confused the entire time. I don't think I would get it anymore today then I did then. All commercials confuse me - I don't pay enough attention so I'm never sure what they are for and I always ask Cliff what is going on.
Main Course: Name two things that need to be done, but you are procrastinating in completing.
I'll get to this later, after I clean my house.
Dessert: When was the last time you tried something new, and what was it?
I've tried lots of new things. I sang acappella in front of a Worship class (that's a whole separate story), I've gone back to school full time, I preached a sermon for the first time last week...
But the one that sticks out is a few years ago. My step-son was emphatic that I try out one of these little race tracks. I really, really didn't want to do it but he was so disappointed and nagging that I finally gave in. Hated every minute of it. Ooooh, that reminds me of another story about the roller coaster ride....
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