Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Its Our Fault When Church Sucks

For all you non-church goers out there I apologize on behalf of those of us who should know better.

Christians like other real people fight. They disagree, they sometimes vent their anger inappropriately - some of them even are downright mean in how they express themselves. If you see that happening know that that is reality and that it happens in good families as well as in good churches.

What people outside the church need to know is that it is how individuals in a church deal with the issues that matter. Good leaders should be spiritual leaders and able to negotiate the choppy waters of discord. Mature Christians should be able to assist both sides in building bridges
Stop bitching about your church and work to heal the corner you sit in - then cross the room to the other side and do it again.

I'm so Bleah!

It got a major paper back - 77. B+ I'm used to an 85. I worked my ass off on the paper but the real problem is that he found it hard to understand some of what I was saying. I guess I can own that because I really had a problem writing it and I couldn't seem to get it under control. What annoys me is it should have been better and I know other students did better and it irks me that I can't seem to keep up with their quality of work.

My other paper was a B+ - it was really hard to write and I remember thinking that I had done what I could with it and I was going to be happy with a lower mark because he is a hard marker. But I wrote it so long ago that I can barely remember what it is about.

I keep feeling that I shouldn't be here. I can't put my finger on it - it might just be depression because I'm between churches and I haven't found a new place to serve. I keep promising myself that I will just do lots of spiritual formation work over the month so I can really hear what God is saying.

The continual grind of thinking and pondering about God is troubling too - after a while it becomes an academic exercise - I am hoping I will feel much better once I start volunteering and get away from the academics and church politics.