Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Entertaining the Pastor

I had a parishoner come by and offer to take me to Timmies.  Now I had done a challenging sermon where I gave everyone a piece of paper with decisions that come out of a tough parable with the offer to meet with me at Timmies to chat about faith and questions and what not.

Not being experienced in drawing people out I floundered a bit but determined that other than one specific discussion there really wasn't anything that created this visit - until she mentioned that she had been to the elders and they suggested she visit me.  I don't get the impression it was for her benefit but for mine!!  There seems to be a concern that I'm alone and because of a medical issue the head elder and his wife have been busy and also it is haying season.  I've never thought of a pastor as particularly requiring care so its nice but so unneeded.  Especially when I had put all of my clothes on the line so had to to go Timmies in my track pants and a light sweater - its all I had left that wasn't wet!

I saw a bear!

I saw a bear on the road back from Timmins.  I didn't get close enough to investigate.  There was a truck on other side of the road pulled over and I glanced over to see if they were okay and I saw a little bear just coming out of the ditch next to the truck.  At first I thought maybe he was hit but I think maybe he was just wandering.  I don't know much about bears - I know he was not a cub but maybe a year old?  I wanted to turn around and go look but I figured its not good to disturb them and all kinds of traffic pulling over probably desensitizes them to people and cars.  Besides I wasn't too thrilled about him have stretch up against my little Aveo.  I probably have the tiniest car in town - there are a few back roads that I wouldn't want to tackle after a big rain!