Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I saw a bear!

I saw a bear on the road back from Timmins.  I didn't get close enough to investigate.  There was a truck on other side of the road pulled over and I glanced over to see if they were okay and I saw a little bear just coming out of the ditch next to the truck.  At first I thought maybe he was hit but I think maybe he was just wandering.  I don't know much about bears - I know he was not a cub but maybe a year old?  I wanted to turn around and go look but I figured its not good to disturb them and all kinds of traffic pulling over probably desensitizes them to people and cars.  Besides I wasn't too thrilled about him have stretch up against my little Aveo.  I probably have the tiniest car in town - there are a few back roads that I wouldn't want to tackle after a big rain!

1 comment:

LPK said...

Congratulations! We still get excited when we see a bear (I don't think the excitement will ever go away, either). We once had a small bear and large bear in our backyard and thought they were mama and baby bear until they started, well, doing what comes naturally to boy and girl bears in heat. Bears come in all shapes and sizes in the north, though you may have seen a cub who finally had to leave mama bear and wasn't sure about where to go or where to find food.