We went to a doughnut shop with my mother. There was a tip jar on the counter and I reflected on how much I dislike seeing tip jars in doughnut shops. First of all the establishment should charge enough to pay the employee for the job. Secondly, a tip on a doughnut and a coffee just seems crazy - its not a restaurant.
When my mother joins us at the table she tells us that the server held the jar out towards her. I clarified again and again - are you sure she was hinting that she wanted a tip? Maybe she was just moving it or accidentally banged against it. My mother insisted that she waved the jar at her - and my mother ended up putting 50c in the jar.
I fumed about this. But I have come a long way and realised that this is not my issue - I would love to say something to the clerk but this was something my mother should have addressed if it bothered her.
About 15 minutes later and after a few other conversations about other matters, my mother suddenly pipes up and says "she might have thought that I couldn't see the tip jar because I had the tip in my hand and was just getting ready to put it in the jar.". Uh, yeah. That's a minor detail. Once again I learn patience, grace and to stop expecting the worse from people!