Friday, September 24, 2010

C might have job, but then again maybe not.

Well, C may have a job.  He went for a long interview and testing process.  He has told me that he is hired.  Just not sure exactly for what he has been hired!  The salary is probably about 11.00.  He is not sure of benefits. 

I'm a little more intense and far more cynical so I'm sure you understand that I am not really settled until I see a paycheque!  It's a security company and the discussion started at a job call for the airport in security.  When they saw his resume they pulled him out and had someone call him to see what they had available right away.  So he went to this 2nd interview with a bunch of people and was hired.  But another manager in another district might want him for a job he has in Markham.  He was supposed to call yesterday which is why we don't really know his assignment.  C is off for training today (not paid which makes me annoyed).  If there are benefits then we will end up earning more than EI and since EI runs out in January and C is so excited I'm trying to relax.  At least this way he is employed and doing something he loves and we are no longer a drain on society.  After applying for 64 jobs almost all of them in his field we can't be too picky. Well, we are - just not that noticeable in North American standards.  Now if only my brother could find something....

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