Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I Enjoy Sinning

Hmm...my classmates may be ready to oust me.  I`m just not on the same wavelength.  We were talking about one of our readings and someone commented that once we are fully transformed at the end of time there would be no enjoyment in sinning - we would never want to sin so would naturally not sin.

The question was why did the author say this since we don`t enjoy sinning....I spoke up right away and said I DO enjoy sinning.  This was not well accepted.  I pointed out that if I did not get some kind of pleasure from it I wouldn`t do it.  My prof corrected me to say that of course with reflection I would come to regret my sin and then feel badly for it.  I didn`t want to disagree but frankly I do not even recognize my sin at all times - if I did I would never get off my knees from praying for strength.

We should pray for Jane, her daughter is dating a pagan!
Maybe people do not see sin the same way.  Maybe they just think about the big sins.  I certainly do not enjoy killing people.  But I do enjoy gossip.  It may not look 100% like gossip if I cover it up with words of concern but likely there is some gossip in it.  What about wasting time, over eating, lust...

Or am I really not as ``good`` as the rest.....

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