Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Mother is Getting Old

Okay, I`ve noticed this for awhile but the other day took the cake.  My mother has some very definite opinons on things that are being fed from other people her age.  Not working has the disadvantage of limiting your exposure to different age groups.

When she left the room my brother commented that she is getting old.  He then related the following story:

Mom:  What does ``WTF`` mean

Bro:     ``What the hell.``

Mom:  Wouldn`t that be ``WTH``

Bro:  Yes, but its an F.  Think  ``what the F``

Mom:  But why do people even say it

Sorry - I can`t find how to use the question mark - on my notebook.  Anyhow, I guess she still hasn`t really figured out the context for this acronymn!

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