Wednesday, September 13, 2006

First Week at School - Its all Greek to Me!

I have a total of three classes. Two are studies of books of the Bible - Ezekial and 1 Corinthians. The other is Greek - which is thankfully split into two 1 hour and 45 minute sections.

I had my last class for the week tonight and I am exhausted! Not to mention a little freaked out. Greek is moving pretty fast and though I really enjoy it I hate not being on top of something. I have to learn the definite articles by Monday. I have the alphabet down, dipthongs are on the way. I didn't even know what a dipthong was three days ago!

For my Corinthians class I have to recite from memory 1 Cor 13. This is not my thing, memory whether for faces, names or songs (I can't guarantee I get O Canada right!). Its only worth 5 marks but I have to present it in front of 3 adults. I hear a wings and beer night calling! That oughta throw the Firkin crowd off! C'mon - you know you want to take part in this educational journey!

Sadly, every Christian knows what 1 Cor 13 is - except for me - I had to look it up. Chapter and verse rote isn't my thing either. For the uninitiated it is the chapter that includes "Love is patient, love is kind". You have heard it at a wedding at some point in your life. Following the recitation I will give a rant on how much I can't stand this passage being used for weddings ....

Going back as a third year student is neat. There is no anxiety, I know where everything is and I know what to expect. Oh, except in the computer lab. The took away the hard drives - you now need a thingy to download to. I don't have a thingy or a thing on my home computer to read the thingy. C'mon Ian - help me out and at least tell me the technological words for this stuff - Lesley and Bernie can't help me they work in hospitals and schools - they probably still have those huge floppys!

1 comment:

Ianc said...

I actually just got another thingy from work - my second this year. They're all the rage when it comes to office swag, and have overtaken the old standby baseball cap in popularity.

Don't know what the geeks call it, but I get by calling it a memory stick.

Sounds like you'll need to add a USB port to your PC if you don't have one.