Monday, September 11, 2006

Party Hell

I went to a great party on the weekend. Great food, fantastic music, bar well stocked with anything you could imagine. Very nice people.

Problem is I didn't know anyone other than the hosts. As someone studying to be a pastor I keep thinking to myself - just talk to someone. I try this but it is not my strong suit. I hate small talk - its just so irrelevant. At one point it looks like a junior high school dance. We are all sitting on chairs lining the wall.

It was one of those surprise party deals where we got there way ahead of the birthday boy. SO I can't just leave after a reasonable amount of time that would be rude. And there were a group of people there that I enjoyed listening to though I couldn't really join in as they were talking about work. Thankfully, a group if non-Christians. This is when I realised how much I miss sitting with people with my background.

So I had a good time in a strange way. Once the guest arrived the barriers started to be broken down because he could find common ground between different people. It was really weird to be the only person there from the church because that was my label - "my friend from church". Which is great but its a lousy conversation starter - I was just relieved no one asked me what I do during the day. As soon as I say I'm studying in Bible College people become tongue tied.

The worst party I have ever been to was at my sister-in-law's. For those who know my family - this does not surprise you! Get this. She takes her husband out with another couple to dinner to come back to her apartment with us all waiting. Thing is none of us know each other. There was a mixture of family, friends and coworkers. No one knew more than one other person in the room. There were snacks laid out but we didn't dare touch them. The girl that had the key to open the apartment didn't really have instructions.

It was pretty bad and then the phone call came. At the time we were expecting them to arrive they called and said that they just got a seat! At the Keg! Give me a break. It was at that point that someone bravely suggested we start eating the chips. I'm family so I have no hope of leaving. It was horrid. I swore never again - a promise I have kept after too many of these family parties. I have horror stories of family birthdays and christenings where I would have preferred a Tupperware party in place of the actual event. Remind me to tell you about my in-laws lingerie party where my idiot brother-in-law came downstairs dancing dressed in tiger print underwear wearing Cliff's police belt and night stick. Why would you want to do this in front of people including your mother? The horror! The horror!

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