Monday, September 11, 2006

The Weird Bread at the Deli Counter

I was snooping around Sobey's Sunday night looking for dinner and school lunches. Why I waited until 10 pm on a school night I don't know. I had all summer to think about school lunches but I waited until the last minute.

I had the same thought that I often have when I walk past the Deli counter. Who buys the weird bread there? You know. The bread that sits on that little low shelf in front of the deli case. Its all tiny bags and big slices of bread and all of it has the look of being old. Like a month old. It looks like something they would feed you on a crossing of the Atlantic in the late 1800's. With some ale.

I picture little old ladies hunched over in black poking at it with their canes. Yet I never actually see anyone buying it. I've never even seen my mother-in-law buy it. And she is a likely candidate. We were moving her stuff up north - a four hour drive and she packed us cheese sandwiches - and was very annoyed that we had the audacity to stop at Rotten Ronnies on the way up. See, if you cut the moldy section off of the bread and cheese its perfectly fine. In her defense she did grow up in the war in Holland - old habits die hard.

So my plan is to take her past the weird bread and see if she bites! I'll let you know!

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