Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Apology to Fellow Christians

Ah, its tough. I live in two worlds. There is the Christian world where things fall between two straight lines. After a while I know what not to say, what jokes are not appropriate. But that's not my culture. I come from a non-Christian culture - I understand the context of the jokes and the discussions. I understand that they are not meant to dishonour God - you can't intentionally dishonour those you don't know. As a Christian, I strive to know the difference - my actions are fuelled by a response to grace. I remember very well what it is to live without God and I identify with that culture. And this puts me in a difficult place sometimes.

To invite Christians to read my site which has links to my brother's site is tricky. My brother is a riot. He is smart, funny and very caring. But how he expresses himself might be shocking to others. So if you are easily offended don't go to his Mookieslasthope site. And don't mistake that he is speaking for non-Christians - there are non-Christians that might be offended by his language too. Just like there are Christians that I don't like the way they witness or treat others or use the Bible to preach their word instead of God's word. But I am far closer in personality, temperment and humour to my brother than any of my Christian friends. The only thing that makes us different is that Christ has claimed me - and I had no say in that!

Did we as Christians create the Christian culture or is it of God? If it is of God why does it separate us into us and them? How can I be salt and light if I avoid the places where I'm offended? How can I say I understand grace if I avoid those who have not yet received it?

Too many questions for this kind of blog!

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