Thursday, December 14, 2006

Food Bank - Huh?

I'm walking past a donation bin for the food bank and I see a bag of Doritos. Now, I realise that this is Tyndale and to some Doritos might fall into one of the food groups but I have to also note it was on the Seminary side where the age of the students is a little higher and the in ministry experience is a little more rounded.

Lesley was saying she noticed the same thing at Loblaws, some of the donations just boggle the mind. What on earth am I going to do with a box of cake mix. Yes, it is nice to think that I could make a birthday cake for my child but perhaps sending him to school with some protein in his stomach would be a little more helpful. I think we are so clueless. I'm sure people mean well, but it seems that there is an idea that food bank use is just to pick up a few things - that people aren't really as bad off as to need tuna over cake. I'm going to ask our food bank what they do with the chocolates and stuff - maybe I can start buying them and giving them the cash. I've seen the paperwork and even at non-living wage you are only allowed to come to the foodbank at most 4 times a month - this is to ensure there is enough food for everyone.

The whole donate food has been bugging me for some time because I reason that they could do a much better job buying the food wholesale if I give them cash. But there is something so gratifying about giving something you can see. I have always wondered why a supermarket doesn't have food bank drives where they lower the price on the food bank type items and put limits per customer. They would likely make money because I will go to that chain to buy tuna at the cheapest price and do the rest of my shopping while I am there. And maybe they could put up the price of Doritos and cake mix during that week!!

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