Monday, May 05, 2008


I don't have kids so maybe I am being too critical. But the mothers in my life are driving me crazy.

First, my mother-in-law. She refuses to spend money. Rather than buy shoes that she likes, she takes hand me downs from people in her building - usually at least one size too big. She walks with a walker, is not very steady on her feet and has diabetes (which deadens the nerves in the feet) so I have told her that she must stop wearing shoes that are too big for her - its too dangerous as she is not sure footed enough. So she called to say that she went out and bought new sandals and had her feet measured. I was not so thrilled with the sandals but was relieved to know that she at least got the right size. Oh but wait, did I mention they cost 300 dollars?! Somewhere between taking all of the day old bread from the bakery and forcing friends and neighbours to take some home and buying 300 dollar shoes is where I would be most comfortable.

Then my mother. I pick her up at the airport and she is marvelling at how fast her suitcase came off the plane. Got home to hear a message that the bag is not hers, she picked up someone elses. Unfortunately we went to dinner first so we didn't get the message until an hour and a half later. She hadn't expected anyone else to have the same bag as hers since hers has a blue hawaiian print. Um, we didn't exactly spend a lot of money on it so its not like the company only made 100 for sale.

I didn't mind the mistake except that she kept feeling sorry for me having to drive back to the airport. I don't mind driving to the airport - I'm right at the 401 and Bayview so its a 20 minute drive. I did mind that I didn't hear her feel sorry for the poor people who got off the plane and couldn't find their luggage. Apparently the bag she took wasn't even off of her flight. Like I said, things happen but I think she could have felt badly for the people who landed in Toronto and didn't have their stuff.

And Mother's Day - for some reason we have to celebrate it on Sunday. Has to be Sunday. I have pleaded for the idea that the restaurants are much quieter on Monday but that just won't do. Thankfully my mother-in-law does not have the same feelings about it!

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