Monday, May 05, 2008

Lost in the Pearson Parking Garage

So I drive out to the airport and exchange the wrong suitcase for the right one. When I parked the car I didn't get a spot in my usual location - yes I have been to Terminal 3 so often I have my own "area". So when I get back to the parking garage I go to where I think the car is. Only it isn't. And the level and area is starting to slip my memory - I thought it was 2 B right next to 2 C. But it isn't. Was it 3 B or maybe 3 C? Who knows.

I spend 20 minutes trying to look as though I expected to be marching around the parkade looking for my car. I know that if I just go to the entrance and walk the path I drove that I will find it but that seems ridiculous.

Thankfully, I find the car - now I have to drive the wrong way to get back to the pay machine because I didn't dare pay my ticket until I found the car because when you pay there is a time limit on how long the ticket is valid for. On my way, I see another woman walking aimlessly - I offer to drive her around to look for her car. Apparently she was with a News Cruiser - which I tell her I haven't seen. Anyhow someone back at the newstation is tracking the GPS coordinates of the truck to lead her to it.

I suggest to Cliff that this makes no sense, how can they tell her which direction to walk once they locate the truck? I have a feeling she was in the wrong parking structure - I walked a lot and never saw a news truck!

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