Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Its All Vanity

Okay, I think I may have had a major breakthrough. I have been aware of my critical nature for some time but never felt I could get a handle on it. But I think I am at a point where I can commit to at least not express it. I realise that my need to tell people my pet peeves is a form of vanity - as if no one else in the room could possibly be as smart as me to see the same thing I see. I guess others don't care or don't feel the need to speak up. Really, is there a need to point out the obvious? And if it isn't obvious its just mean spirited because there are much nicer ways of saying "that's stupid". Yeah, I know, I have some way to go.

Now I am not going to be able to do this overnight but I think I can make many attempts at it. And it will always be a guilty pleasure I am afraid because I so much like the irony of some of the things that happen in life - like not praying during the planning for the WDoP event. I mean, that's sad but funny too.

I am studying a passage in Ephesians and it talks about not being silly and to not use empty words. I am going to be struggling with this because I haven't been able to find enough research yet on what "silly" means. Is all humour out of bounds? Surely laughing is a God created response, and must be good.

If I can get a handle on my critical nature it will make me a nicer person. Its a pretty tall order but I'll see what I can do.

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