Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hospital Signs

There was a sign that my friend saw in a hospital that she thought was really funny.

Communications Department

As ironic as it was it did make sense - when you open up the door to go into Communications there was no lobby - it opened up right behind the switchboard operators - so if you went in laughing at a joke and they were in the process of calling a Code Blue (patient not breathing) your laughter would get picked up over the mike. Not very professional.

But Ian saw a sign a few weeks ago that really has me puzzled. Upon registering at the CT Department, he was told to go down the hall and take a seat on the blue chairs. He went down the hall saw some chairs but none of them were blue - then he noticed the sign "These are the blue chairs". This seems incredibly stupid. I can only assume the blue chairs were out being cleaned. But why not just change the instructions? I pity the poor psych patients - they already have enough problems without looking for the elusive blue chairs. Not to mention those who can't read English or just don't notice the sign.

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