Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Whole Aisle of Weird Bread

Okay, I wrote about the weird bread once before - you know the European style bread that sits on the ledge by the Deli counter. You don't get a whole loaf - they come in little half size bags and they look like you could replace the soles of your shoes with them.

Anyhow, I went to Highland Farms and experienced a whole new shopping experience. I'm really sensitive to my cultural surroundings and new I was in the wrong store from the front door. Its very European and it has a whole aisle devoted to the weird bread. I still didn't see anyone buying it but there certainly was a lot to choose from. The deli counter was packed with people waiting to be served - 3 deep in places - I guess they needed to move the bread so it wouldn't get squashed!

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