Monday, July 10, 2006

Check out a funny site.

You have to check out my brother's blog "Mookie's Last Hope". I'll warn you ahead of time he is gay so that if you have a problem with that, you may not like his perspective. What you will read there is what my blog would have looked like 10 years ago. Heck, even five years ago - with a bit more ranting.

I am no longer funny. Maybe I never was. My father was a riot, my brother is a riot. I lost my humour when I became a Christian. Part of it is the church I go to. They do not laugh. Never. Neither does my husband - I can honestly say he has only ever laughed once at anything I have ever said. I wish I could remember what I said. To be honest I don't find him funny either. His humour is more of the obvious kind - a brain damaged friend of his family finds him very, very funny. Ha! See that's my humour. I'm not supposed to poke fun of my husband and certainly not mention someone with brain damage. Now I don't drop jokes like that just anywhere - just where I am comfortable.

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