Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Caught in Kosher

I was foraging for food in Loblaws when I spied something I hadn't seen before. As a matter of fact I saw all kinds of frozen food that I hadn't seen before. New food options!! Just as I am getting really interested I spot gefilte fish.

For some reason, (which means due to my neurotic tendencies) I freak out if I accidentally start looking at Kosher food. I mean, its just not kosher. Its as if a pastor walked in and caught me staring at the porno shelf in the convenience store. I don't feel this way in the International aisle. I can pick up taco shells and sweet and sour sauce without feeling as though I'm in forbidden territory. But maybe that's the point. I highly doubt that anyone truly interested in authentic chinese sauces or Mexican food would be caught dead in the international aisle.

I have the same feeling if I am looking in regular sizes with my friend. I think people are wondering - "how the hell does she expect to fit into that?".

On Seinfeld I really liked the Elaine character - unfortunately at heart I'm really a George!

Blessings on your day!

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