Friday, July 09, 2010

Life in the really slow lane.

Each day I think "what will I do today?"   I can go to the library to study or do it at home. Or go to the lake for a swim.  Or grab a freshly baked doughnut at the local bakery.  Gee, I can even do it all!

Went swimming the other day in our lake.  I couldn't stand the heat one more minute and putting all self consciousness aside decided it was time to take advantage of the opportunity.  The lake was a bit cold but delicious.  I just paddled around for about half an hour and I ended up feeling cooled off for a few hours.  Now I know why people say "Go soak your head!".

Really interesting at the beach.  Lots of teens.  A few parents with toddlers and a few adults.  I'm not sure where the 20 something set is - I don't think there are any.  If there are they are never where I am.  Tim Horton's seems to be the place for the over 50 crowd.  The local brunch place seems to attract the 30 - 40 group.  How you get all of these people into one event beats me!

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