I’m actually having to adjust my driving here. When I get to a stop sign I feel like I need to go right NOW! But others slowly pull away from the stop. And when I’m waiting to turn into traffic I get that nervous feeling that someone is going to honk and try to push me through the intersection – yet others wait until the its perfectly clear before they turn. So I have to slow it down. Its actually a bit harder to drive here – there are four way stops everywhere and lots of “busy” streets. I have gotten used to traffic lights in the city that tell me when its my turn – you don’t actually have to do a lot of concentrating. Here there are tons of kids on bikes, pedestrians and stop sign after stop sign. Its also embarrassing that I am still getting lost. There are a few places I have gone where I’m sure no one would ever drive – its just a sign that you don’t know what the heck you are doing. Soon enough people will recognize the plate and have me labeled as some control freak driver with lousy direction.
Interestingly I have noticed that some drivers wait for the other cars to stop at a four way intersection rather than proceeding. I got in trouble for this in Toronto – the instructor couldn’t understand why I was waiting for the other car to stop when I clearly had the right of way – I guess it’s a country thing because I’m sure we did that in Nova Scotia too!
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