Friday, January 15, 2010

Jesus isn't a great table tennis parnter...

I had this dream that Jesus was my partner for table tennis. But he hadn't shown up. So in my head I'm being kind of bitchy about it - I mean after all the Son of God should be more reliable! But to get another perspective I mentioned aloud: "Gee, Jesus is late, I wonder where he is...". Right away people are making excuses - you know he probably ran into some people that needed to be healed.

Here is the scary part - I felt that that is not a good enough excuse - its a boundaries issue. Jesus knew he had an appointment with me and also knew that regardless of where he is someone needs to be healed. He made that choice when he said he would show up. Its all about balance.

When I think about it I realise that if Jesus was physically here we would not be happy if he tried to take a break for table tennis. He must of gotten a lot of flack when he took breaks from healing. He didn't have the Benny Hinn method down where you cluster them into a stadium for a one night only performance.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trying to picture Jesus in a pair of Nike's playing table tennis with you.