Monday, July 28, 2008

Cat Scan

I realise in talking to a friend that I am a horrible person. Well by using her as a guideline.

See, if my cat gets sick, I have a mental number in my head as to how much I will spend before I choose to let the cat "go". I'm thinking 500 bucks. After that the cat is on her own. She balked at paying 3000 because she didn't have the money. I think if she had it she would have done it - and that was with no guarantee that cat would survive.

Now this is really shocking to a lot of people. But I can't see spending anymore then that on a cat that is already old and when they can rarely guarantee that the cat will survive the treatment. Once they require investigative medicine you have hit the 500 mark.

Vets don't like this much either. They want to cure the cat not kill it. If you don't own an animal you may not realise how far vet medicine has gone - there are not cat scans, x rays, teeth cleaning, IV's, and exploratory surgery. An overnight stay costs quite a bit too. I'm not sure that we have gone the route of life support - yet. I can just imagine the court battles over Boots and his right to die/live.

I worked with a lady that had to take her cat in once every 6 months for kidney dialysis. I thought she was joking. I can't imagine the cost and I wonder how the cat felt?

We had one cat that we put on an IV - it was awful - he was so upset having his foot bandaged up with a splint and of course you can't explain it to the cat.

Now before you send me angry responses, realise that all of the cats that I have owned in Toronto came from the shelter or from someone who didn't want them - and they have all been adults that are difficult to get someone to adopt. So I did save one of their lives!

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