Friday, February 01, 2008

I now have gold coins....

The televangelist Peter Popoff is still sending me stuff started when I called his prayer line back before Christmas. I haven't send him a cent but in the past months I have received:

Miracle Prayer Water
A "vine of life"
Tiny communion wafers - he refers to it as holy bread or some such thing.
Sand from the Holy Land
A cloth perfumed in incense.
An American dollar bill

and now 2 gold angel coins.

What I don't get is that I have never once sent him any money and yet all the treats still come. If you have kids that love getting mail this is one freebie that keeps on giving. Just don't let them read the letters - I got one telling me that he had an image of me with a someone close to me standing on a sidewalk with Satan planning to hurt my friend/relative. Unless I send money of course.

The gold coins are kinda neat. I think I'm supposed to mail one back and bury the other.

We had a discussion in church about how some people think Christians are weird. Its not that Christians are weird its just that the weird ones really go to great lengths to stand out!!

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