Friday, November 23, 2007

Apology to Praise Teams - Most of 'Em

Yeah, a big shout out to LK who has taught me the true meaning of a praise team. In an earlier post I said we should get rid of the praise team and stick 'em in the pews with everyone else.

Ah, but see I was mistaken on the purpose of a praise team - I thought they were performers like you see on TV. You know they glitz up the joint. They are in fact more like conductors giving you cues if you need help following along with the songs and such. Hopefully they also cue the right emotion too - if you are singing a song of joy it would be nice if they looked joyful.

Now in my defence I will state I have been at churches where if the praise team was supposed to be guiding my efforts to worship then I was totally missing the point. It seemed more like a performance than conducting and simple things like making eye contact with the parishioners would help. So, like anything there is good and bad approaches.

I'm glad I'm still awkward at the church thing - it keeps me on my toes.

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