Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm backkk

Yup, I'm back after a long hiatus. The Holland trip just brought out nasty blogging on my part and I had to take a break.

Now that I'm back into school and getting a new rhythym with work/ministry and school I need to find time to laugh!

Like today - I went for a stress test for my heart. I had nagging arm pain in August and went to the ER where I quickly determined that the nurse knew I wasn't having a heart attack so I left. My doc however wanted a stress test and I figured I better though I'm sure it was a waste of OHIP's money.

It really was a stress test - I stressed about it! What do I wear, will there be people watching me, how stupid am I going to look. And then there is the whole weird feeling of being back in NYGH. Its so weird - everything looks different and yet I run into people I worked with and it seems like I've entered another dimension.

In the end I had to get my heart up to 179 - I think I got it close enough. And there was nothing to worry about it was all very dignified.

I had this strange moment though when I looked at the men and women dressed in their work clothes and shiny shoes and felt that I missed it. Something about walking around in heels and skirts and jackets and talking about very technical things - its like a game and a culture that I know so well it feels comfortable.

I have to find a new hospital, I just hate going back there!

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