Saturday, July 07, 2007

Friday's Feast - Random questions

How many pieces of jewelry do you wear most days?

I only wear my wedding band and my anniversary band. I used to wear my wedding ring but it has some delicate spots on it and I worry about damaging it. I sometimes were a broach, a cross or earrings.

What is your favorite instrumental song?

How many do I actually know? Probably Classical Gas.

Who has a last name that you like?

Okay, with my last name I have thought about this already. I love the names: Victoria "Cookson", Victoria "Roberts", Victoria "Shaw". My choices if I were to revert to a family name are my original name of Collins (people can not spell it), mother's of Robertshaw (people think its two words). My grandmothers was a better bet and I can't remember for the life of me what it was - Meekes? I remember it started with an "M" because it went with where she was from - Micklefield.

Main Course
Name a popular movie you’ve never seen.

I wish, like my friend, I could proudly boast that I have never seen Star Wars. But my father insisted we go and line up for this movie because it was going to be a real experience. Didn't like it and have never felt the need to try to like it.

As for a popular movie - Titanic. As soon as I good wind of the love story I lost all interest. Though the rest of the film may have been historically accurate the whole love story was pretty far fetched for the time and social class system. It wasn't just that people did not marry beneath them, but there was a lot of disparaging things said about some one who married up - from people in her own class. A man could marry up - provided he was already upper class. But a woman wouldn't go from being a servant to having servants and it was understood that this was the way it was. We might not like it and certainly Americans may feel they escaped that system but in 1912 it was still the way it went.

Fill in the blank: Nothing makes me ___________ like ____________.

Nothing makes me frustrated like people sampling at the Bulk Barn and in the fruit aisle. Don't get me started!

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