Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Grad May 5th

Grad was totally awesome. I think you can tell from the smile on my face that I'm pretty happy. Cliff was very excited too and I had three friends and my brother there so I had got to share it with people who have stuck by me over the years.
I wasn't very excited about the ceremony until the rehearsal on Thursday. It was long, at time monotonous but still thrilling!
Its funny, they don't really tell you much. I was waiting in the gym and glanced through the program and found out that I had won an award of some kind. Cliff tracked down my prof to find out what it was all about. It was for academics in ministry and I get a little bit of money which is nice. Marks don't really mean much to me anymore because I realise that there were things I could have done better and there were things that I should have settled for less on. Academics just isn't as important as character and the stuff you learn on which you are not graded.

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